Police - a varied and interesting job where you feel that you are making an important contribution to society, but which can also be tough and stressful. An important part of the staff's focus in the Police and that they are supported in their professional role and development is the employee dialogues. These are of course done individually, but part of creating a broad picture of the situation within the business is to also work with employee surveys.

Employee surveys are sent out twice a year

- This is done, among other things, through employee surveys that are sent out twice a year, says Oscar Svantesson of the Skövde municipal police, Skaraborg police area. We use these to create a broad picture of the situation, which in turn becomes a basis for continued development.

To create, send out and compile these surveys, the Police uses iP,1. Now the Police is involved in an exciting development project with iP,1 in which the University of Skövde is also involved. It involves developing an ongoing survey to be sent out twice a month.

The response rate is important

- In order to get a good response rate and answers that are of good quality, it is important to both find a way to do it that is perceived as easy by the recipients to adopt and flexible to respond to, says Leif Alvarsson, CEO of iP,1.

In that area we have long experience within iP,1 that SMS surveys give a high response rate. Now, it is not just the medium itself that is important, but of course also how questions are asked and possible answer options are formulated. Even how the interface looks affects and limiting the number of questions. All so that answering is experienced as simple and quick.

It is not only the data collection itself and a high response rate that is important, but also how the results can be compiled and presented.

I feel that iP.1 is a very good partner in this project. We have a good dialogue where they have long experience of contributing to how we can design interfaces and asking questions in a way so that we get a good response rate and reports of good quality as output

Oscar Svantesson – Municipal Police, Police Area Skaraborg (Photo: Police)