SMS services from iP.1

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When you contact support, it is good to have your customer or account number at hand so that we can find the right account. Don't have an account yet? Get in touch and we'll help you get started!

Need help? Click the help icon at the bottom of the page

Frequently asked questions

How do I add a new iP.1 user?

Note. For users of Internet Explorer, the user portal does not work fully, we recommend updating the browser to Microsoft Edge or using Firefox or Chrome.

If you share the same user, an administrator (Usually the one who created the account or if you assigned the role to someone else) can create a new user in the user portal.

  1. Sign in to the User Portal with an administrator account
  2. Go to "Users" in the main menu
  3. Press the "Add a new user" button
  4. Fill in the information in the form and select the account and the user's access level

The new user will receive an email sent to the specified email address where he sets his own password.

Video instruction

How do I top up my SMS balance?

You can top up your SMS balance through our webshop, which you can find via the following link:

The balance can also be topped up by quick top-up in One Channel or New Web SMS.

If you don't see a button for fast top-up, it means that you have one of our SMS subscriptions with post-invoicing active.

Video instruction: Top up the balance via quick top-up

When you send SMS they get different statuses, what do these mean?

SMS handled by the system receive different statuses so that you as a customer can easily check that your SMS is delivered or if something has gone wrong, for example that the number does not exist or if the recipient uses a subscription that does not support SMS. In the lists below you can find all the status codes that an SMS can receive.

Status codes in New Web SMS, One Channel and One Survey

The codes in our system are divided into 4 different groups: 

GroupCode blockComment
Info1Informative statues that informs where along the pipeline the message is.
Success2If the message ended in a user defined way such as Expired or DeliveredToHandset.
Rejection4If there is something wrong with the message it self such as length, banned keywords, etc.
Error5If the message was undeliverable or other errors which is out of the control for the delivery service.

Status codes in the Info code block

NameCodeTreated asComment
Accepted101InfoThe message(s) has been accepted for processing
Queued102InfoThe message has been put a queue for sending
Funded103InfoThe message has been paid for and can be sent
Refunded104InfoThe message has been refunded i.e. its price has been returned to the account balance
Sending110InfoThe message is being sent
DeliveredToGateway111InfoThe message has been delivered to the next upstream gateway
DeliveredToCarrier112InfoThe message has been delivered to the carrier on which the subscriber belongs to
DeliveredToGSM113InfoThe message has been put on the GSM network
QueuedAtGateway114InfoThe message has been queued at the upstream gateway

Status codes in the Success code block

NameCodeTreated asComment
DeliveredToHandset201SuccessThe message has been delivered to the recipient in question
Expired202SuccessThe expiry date has been exceeded before the message could be delivered
Canceled203SuccessMessage was canceled by user

Status codes in the Rejection code block

NameCodeTreated asComment
InsufficientFunds402RejectionThe account sending SMS doesn't have enough funds to send the SMS
SenderRejected403RejectionThe sender was rejected, given when the sender is considered fraudulent or sender ownership hasn't been verified
ContentRejected404RejectionThe message body contained content that is not allowed. Eg gambling, adult content, etc.
RecipientRejected405RejectionThe recipient is illegal
GenericRejected406RejectionThe message was rejected for a reason other than the options above
InvalidSender407RejectionThe message sender is invalid. Eg. Sender is too long, contains illegal characters etc
InvalidContent408RejectionMessage content is invalid. Eg. illegal characters, is to long etc.
InvalidRecipient409RejectionMessage recipient is invalid. Eg. Recipient was is not a valid MSISDN
MissingSmsSubscription410RejectionThe recipient does not have an SMS subscription and can therefore not recieve SMS

Status codes in the Error code block

NameCodeTreated asComment
InternalError500ErrorAn unrecognized error occurred
UnknownSubscriber501ErrorThe network subscriber doesn't exist
SubscriberUnreachable502ErrorThe network subscriber was not online and could therefore not receive the message
SubscriberOffline503ErrorThe subscriber is currently offline, delivery will be retried once the subscriber is back online
DeliveryToGatewayFailed511ErrorThe message could not be handed over to the next upstream gateway
DeliveryToCarrierFailed512ErrorThe message could not be handed over to the carrier
DeliveryToGSMFailed513ErrorThe message could not be added to the GSM network
DeliveryToHandsetFailed514ErrorThe message could not be handed over to the target handset
GenericDeliveryFailure515ErrorGeneric Delivery Failure
GatewayError516ErrorAn unrecognized error occured occured at the gateway
Unknown599ErrorMessage was delivered upstream but no Delivery Receipt has been received or a Delivery Receipt that could not be interpreted was received

Status codes in Old Web SMS and Survey SMS


The SMS has in all probability gone through and the recipient's operator has replied that the mobile phone has received the SMS.


The SMS has left our systems but we have not yet received a delivery confirmation from the recipient.


We have received a reply from the recipient's mobile operator that something went wrong with the shipment.
Check that the number is correct.

Why did it take so long before I got the delivery status on my SMS?

It is only when a message has been delivered or that its validity period (the time an operator tries to send an SMS) has expired that we receive a delivery report back.

This means that, in the worst case, you may have to wait for 72 hours before you are informed that a message has not been delivered if, for example, a telephone is switched off.

Why didn't my SMS arrive?

When an SMS has not reached the recipient, you can check the status code of the SMS (See When you send SMS they get different statuses, what do these mean?) which gives you an explanation of what happened to your SMS. An SMS that has not arrived may be due to errors in the mobile number, the recipient's phone not being available or the system failing to send out your SMS.

If the error was due to the recipient's mobile being switched off longer than its operator is trying to send SMS, we will not receive a final status until this time has expired. 

This means that, in the worst case, you may have to wait for 72 hours before you are informed that a message has not been delivered if, for example, a telephone is switched off.

How long do we try to send SMS to customers when the phone is switched off?

If a phone is switched off or has no coverage, SMS are placed in a queue where they wait for delivery until the phone becomes available again.

The time for this is not something we control but is up to each individual mobile operator how long they try to send the SMS (usually 72 hours) 
This time can be further shortened by the fact that mobile phones also usually have a setting for a maximum validity period where they do not retrieve SMS that are older than what the validity period is set to. 

How do I collect contacts via recipient number?

An easy way to collect your contacts' numbers is to use our Save function for incoming SMS

Below is a simple description of how to proceed:

  1. Make sure you have a recipient number linked to our account. You can buy this directly in the shop, or by contacting our support department.
  2. Send an SMS with the text Save First name Last name Group to your recipient number (eg: Save Niklas Niklasson customers to 46731234567)
  3. The sender's number has now been saved in your contact book with the specified information. If the group does not already exist, a new one will be created automatically.

    If you encounter any problems, please contact support.

How do I set up email copy?

To be able to use your own domain when you send an e-mail copy, you must implement the following settings on your DNS.

Enable DKIM

Create a TXT record with the name

Add the value:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynH WBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;

 Add the following SMTP to your SPF: 

I forgot my password, how do I create a new one?

If you have forgotten your password, you can easily create a new one by following the link below:

I forgot my walletone word

  1. Enter your email address in the email field
  2. Click "Send Password Reset"
  3. You will now receive an email from with a link that takes you to the password reset page.
  4. Follow the instructions and create your new password (At least 10 characters, one number and one capital letter).

Note. If you use a browser that offers you to save your passwords, please ensure that it has updated your password with the new one.

If you experience problems with the password reset, please contact us at, then we will help you.

How do I add a number to the block list?

All our services use the same block list. You add a number to the block list through the contact app under the "Privacy" menu option.

Video instruction: Add a number to the block list

How do I activate deregistration in my SMS mailings?

There are two choices to activate the Opt-out function:

  • Via a virtual number where the recipient sends an SMS with the word STOP to the virtual number. A virtual number is included in the "Send & Receive" subscription. If you use the balance model, you need to purchase the service separately. it is ordered via the webshop costs SEK 995/year - 12-month commitment period, 3-month notice period
  • Via an unsubscribe link. The link is added to the SMS. The unsubscribe link is included in all our subscriptions. If you use the balance model, you need to purchase the service separately. It is ordered via the webshop and costs SEK 495/year – 12-month commitment period, 3-month notice period.

Activate the unsubscribe function - New Web SMS, One Channel and One Survey

  1. Log in with your user i the user portal
  2. Go to "settings "Accounts" and then to the tab "Stop service settings" and activate the unsubscribe by clicking the power switch.

Video instruction

Activate the deregistration function in Old Web SMS

  1. Log in to
  2. Tick the "Enable stop service" checkbox. Insert your virtual number or unsubscribe link.

Can I send SMS to US and Canadian numbers?

Yes, you can, but texting works a little differently in North America than it does in Europe. To send SMS, you need to pre-book a campaign through us. Contact our support here

I have an SMS balance but still get an invoice every month

In our system there are two payment models, SMS balance and post-invoicing (Monthly subscription). If you have an SMS balance on your account and choose to subscribe to a monthly subscription, the system will disregard your balance and post-invoice the previous month's traffic.

If you have a balance on your account but still receive an invoice, the probability is high that you have one of our post-invoicing subscriptions activated (for example One Survey, Send or Send & Receive) If you instead want to use your balance again, you can say up your SMS subscription, your SMS messages will instead be deducted from your SMS balance that remains in the account.

Post-invoicing and Balance

  • Post-invoicing: When you have post-invoicing activated, all your fees for a month are collected on an invoice that is sent out at the end of the month.
  • Balance: If you choose to top up your balance, you can use these funds to pay your fees on an ongoing basis.

Priority for payment:

In our system have post-invoicing priority over balance. This means that all your charges are added to your invoice, regardless of whether you have a balance on the account. The balance only begins to be used up when post-invoicing is turned off.

How do I attach a file in One Channel?

One Channel allows you to create mobile-friendly landing pages. You can use these landing pages to, for example, attach files, so that you can easily share documents or images.

How does the new Web SMS work?

New Web SMS is just as it sounds, a completely new version of the Web SMS service. The principle and layout are the same, but with more modern design, modern technology and more possibilities! To move to New Web SMS you need to migrate your contacts from the older system, click the button below to find out everything you need to know.

How does a landing page work?

One Channel allows you to create your own unique landing pages to further strengthen your marketing message. By creating a landing page and adding images, videos, longer pieces of text, and buttons that link to other pages, you can easily create a promotional page that helps your customers close.