Customer stories from iP.1's customers


SMS is a communication channel that offers an incredible number of uses

Take a look at our articles to find out how others are using SMS and communication services from iP.1!

A permissive creative way of working for innovative customer solutions

A permissive creative way of working for innovative customer solutions The digital possibilities and forms of communication are developing at an ever faster pace. SMS still holds the position as the most used and fastest read way to communicate. SMS as a platform and how it can be used is also continuously developed, as are the systems around it that allow everything from mass sending to […]

Category: SMS

Sure to be read – and quickly? Use SMS!

Sure to be read – and quickly? Then SMS applies! It lights up on your mobile screen or the phone makes the characteristic sound: you have received an SMS. The statistics speak for themselves - within a few minutes you will have read it. It is clear that among all the information channels and despite all the […]

Category: SMS

Crisis management with SMS – Then communication is essential

Crisis management with SMS - Then communication A and OI are the traces of the Corona pandemic, many people have opened their eyes to the importance of fast, efficient and accurate crisis information. It is also about ensuring that the information reaches out and that it can be easily received and understood by the recipients. Just like with everything else, working […]

Category: SMS

What do you lose in your contact with customers?

What do you lose in your contact with customers? Win time, money and reach your goals with the help of our SMS services! Advantages of customer contact via SMS. You reach out in a personal way with the least possible environmental impact. In addition, you save a lot of money if you compare with traditional advertising or mailings, for example. Some examples of what communication with customers [...]